Fruit Cakes
I've been having some thoughts about religion and relationship. I don't often find the words to explain the depths of what occurred within me…about what transpired…about how religion was slain and the veil was torn, leaving me craving only relationship. Some may not take into consideration what religion even is and how Christ came to change how we relate with Him and with others.
Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary defines religion as, “1a : the state of a religious b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance 2: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices 3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness 4 a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith”. Relationship is defined, “1: the state of being related or interrelated
Religion becomes the lists of how and if you checkmark the lists through and through you will know Him and you will be satisfied. All your needs will be met if and only if you do this, this, this, and this. In order. All I’s dotted (well, if they aren’t capitalized) and all T’s crossed. Guilt, shame…try harder…judge…hide. It makes us an employee working for the boss that always keeps his door closed…or even when it’s open, he is sterile. We don’t know much about him other than what is written on his resume. He has these freedoms to do as he pleases and we work really hard to get his approval. Every once in a while we get a raise and we pat ourselves on our backs thinking, yes! I’ve gotten his approval only to look and see that even those that didn’t perform got a raise too. That’s not fair. They didn’t work as hard as me and yet they are still being blessed…they still find favor. What’s up with that? Or it could be a relationship with someone very distant…not close in proximity. You’ve encountered them. You’ve met them. You fell in love with them, but somehow, lost all communication. You have an address, so you start sending gifts. You figure if you give them things that maybe they will send you some stuff back or maybe you can earn some favor…maybe they won’t forget about you. I know what I can do for them. I can send them a fruit cake. I know how EVERYONE LOVES fruit cake…or maybe a tennis bracelet or a Barry Manilow CD. Yea, that’s the ticket.
Relationship with Christ is different. He isn’t some corporate entity waiting to drop the guillotine on his unsuspecting employees. He is 100% accessible at all times. He doesn’t sit in an office intentionally separated from His people. He dwells within His kids. We have a book, a diary of sorts, which we can read about Him. But we also get the opportunity to see Him in action in an infinite amount of ways in our daily existence. We get to encounter Him within ourselves, and see Him in others. We are given moments, and we share moments with Him. He takes the time to be with us, and He gives us eyes and ears to see and hear Him. It’s a running dialogue…a running conversation… a growing relationship. I can ask him questions and He can choose to respond. He knows the depths of my heart. He knows my likes and dislikes. He knows I don’t like fruit cake…or tennis bracelets…or well, I don’t listen Barry Manilow, but my dad did & he reminds me of my dad…so….I don’t need his CD’s (I have his 8 tracks in the garage somewhere). He knows that I enjoy all 4 seasons, and He enjoys spending all 4 seasons with me. He aches when I ache…He celebrates when I celebrate. He loves me when I act like a whiny baby and a turd (I am adding "turd" into my dictionary in "Word" as I type)….and I love Him even more because His love is unconditional. That’s what relationships do…well, healthy…loving…nurturing relationships do.
Last winter I was outside shoveling. I shovel as it snows, periodically throughout the day. Shoveling an inch or two of snow multiple times is way easier on my body then waiting for a storm to pass and then shovel. I was in the driveway, pushing the snow to the outside edge of the circle when I noticed my breath. I paused knowing He was in the moment. The dialogue began. He said, “I love spending this time with you”…I said, “I know, I love it too…I love shoveling snow with you”. I noticed my breath again. He said, “I’m in every breath you take”. When it’s decently warm outside, we don’t notice our breath. Sure our breathing may be difficult or increased depending on our physical activity or degree of health and we are made aware of, but it isn’t visible to the naked eye. In the cold, our warm breath is made visible. We are able to see our breath crystallize in front of us. Is He in our breath no matter the season? Yes. Those are the sweet moments of relationship. He meets us where we are and pulls us into an intimacy that will remain with us…seasons later. A couple of hours ago, I sat down at the computer thinking it was time to research topics for an upcoming assignment. Instead, the thoughts I had dancing around in my head became honed in on, of all things Him. How do I even attempt to tell them the difference, Lord? About how it isn’t just about giving you all this stuff that you might not even like…How you really like spending time with…He said, “Fruit Cakes”…call it fruit cakes....Oh yea….giggle giggle…perfect.
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