My family typically hibernates during the chilly winter months of Northeastern Ohio. Aside from school activities, the occasional outing for fun, or time spent with their friends, we aren't very busy. Once spring is on the horizon, our schedule begins to pick up steam. Baseball and softball start up for my three children, summer golf league on Saturday mornings begins in June, by early August soccer practice begins and that will take us through the last weekend of October. Fall festivities, then the yummy holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas come, followed by hibernation again.
I am thankful for the abundant cargo space of my van for it is useful to carry all of our pop up chairs, sporting equipment (golf clubs included), and the infamous "Robertson Family Duffel Bag". Sporting equipment rotates in and out, depending upon the season we are in. The Robertson Family Duffel Bag is a staple and never leaves the van permanently~ only for cleaning, refilling, and to be carried to and from the van at whatever event we are at. Sometimes, I condense the duffel bag into a backpack if we are going to be on the move such as hiking through Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Virginia Kendall, or are at the zoo.
The contents of the bag are always helpful in many different situations and we are always willing to provide snack or medical relief to those that surround us. I am reminded of the scripture John 15:9-15: "I've loved you the way my Father has loved me. Make yourselves at home in my love. If you keep my commands, you'll remain intimately at home in my love. That's what I've done—kept my Father's commands and made myself at home in his love. I've told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature. This is my command: Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends. You are my friends when you do the things I command you. I'm no longer calling you servants because servants don't understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I've named you friends because I've let you in on everything I've heard from the Father" (The Message). Our duffel bag has become a small way that we can show the love we have within, to others and if we can help, we will!
What's in the duffel bag you may ask? Currently we have as follows: instant ice packs (we've gone through 5 out of 6 in less than 2 months for family injuries and injuries to others), band-aids in a couple of sizes, anti-itch cream, Neosporin, bug spray, suntan lotion, a few extra water and Gatorade lining the bottom, tissues, plastic bags, hand sanitizer (stinky port-a-potties), snacks of all kinds like pretzel rods and granola (right now we have non-melting snacks because we learned the hard way that Fruit Roll Ups stick to the plastic they are on). The duffel bag is large enough that I can toss in 4 small umbrellas that I keep under the seat of my van for rainy weather and has loop handles on the top that I can slide an old multipurpose blanket through for impromptu picnics. We stay on a rather tight budget so stopping for a bite to eat is rarely an option and my children know this. They can have a snack out of the bag as we zoom home for dinner. Children and adults can get hurt, not have anything to drink, get a bit too much sun, or get attacked by mosquitoes, and it's always a great feeling when you can at least volunteer to help. Look and see if you have an extra bag laying around your house and fill it with some great necessities to share. A few pounds of Twizzlers go a long way!
Repentance Isn't About Your Changed Behavior
5 years ago