I have know idea why daddy likes to communicate things to me when I have deadlines approaching ;) but, I am not complaining...guess I will trust Him to complete what He started on His time line, not mine. Recently, I have seen a bumper sticker, a t-shirt, and some stationary floating around that had the saying (and I have said this, so don't be thinking I am on the prowl & attacking), "Be the moon, reflect the son (sun)"...depending upon how it is spelled and conveyed, I think you get the gist. As I read (present, past, & future tense) this, I have gotten increasingly uncomfortable with it. I am in Christ, therefore a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). It is no longer I who lives (yes, behavior can often be deceiving or misleading), but, Christ that lives in me (Gal 2:20). I once was dead in Adam, now I am alive in Him (pick a verse out of Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians). To me, the moon is a dead rock. There is nothing about it that is alive. It doesn't produce light, all it does is reflect the sun. It is something beautiful set up in the sky to give us light at is something we can marvel at. It was created with a purpose...void of life on its own yet, created by God who is the source of all life. The moon hangs around and reflects the light of the sun. There are times when the earth passes through the rays and the moon is dark. The light source had been blocked out...the sun was still shining...just hidden behind the earth. Eclipse. Is that how you view your heavenly Father? Are you the moon? I don't like that idea anymore...that is how it used be. In Adam, I was the moon. Separated and devoid of life...loved by the Father nonetheless. His rays (love) were all over me...I felt His warmth. He was working in my life...He created me in my mother's womb. The time drew near where I took His hand in mine, and He took my hand in His. He sent the comforter/counselor/Holy Spirit to take up residence. I experienced being taken into Jesus and was crucified with Him...resting in the heavenly realm (Ephesians 1:2-4). 1 Colossians 1:13 says, "For He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son"...from darkness to light. We are no longer the moon. We are in the Son, and He is in us. The light we have is no mere comes from His existence within us. We aren't responsible for it...we can't control burns for eternity and nothing can snuff it out. No sin can blacken it. Nothing you or I can do, can remove it. I am in Him...He is in me...Christ as us...the union.
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